"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Ardens Rose of Sharon

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Ardens Rose of Sharon Bushes -

The Ardens Rose of Sharon Bushes are valued for its large double, rose purple flowers containing a maroon blotch that blooms mid to late summer when few other flowering shrubs are in bloom. Hibiscus syriacus also known as swamp mallow, rose mallowalthea or Rose of Sharon.  Ardens Hibiscus Shrubs grow in full sun or partial shade and in any soil. The growth rate of these pink rose of sharon bushes ranges from slow to moderate and transplanting is easy.

Peak blooming of the Hardy Hibiscus Ardens Flowering Shrub takes place in August.

Prune rose of sharon in late winter or early spring. Frequent severe pruning gives fewer but larger flowers; no or little pruning gives many small flowers.

We offer six of the most poplar hardy hibiscus varieties available. Plant 4 to 5 feet apart in a row to create a beautiful flowering living fence. 

For the best prices on Rose of Sharon, buy online here at GreenwoodNursery.com


Ardens Hibiscus Shrub is available as one to two foot tall field grown bare root plants.

Quantity1 - 56 - Unlimited

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