"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Customer Service

 We love our plants and know you will, too! 

Welcome to Greenwood's 24 hour Customer Service Assistance. We have provided some of our most frequently asked questions.

Have questions that remain unanswered? please contact us at customerservice@greenwoodnursery.com Once you've placed an order through our online shopping cart, you will receive an automated email order confirmation shortly after. If you don't see it in your inbox, please check your bulk or junk email folder and mark it as 'not spam'.

Within 2 to 3 business days, you will receive a follow up email from one of The Greenwood Team with your scheduled shipping week. Orders are scheduled for shipping based on the average temperatures of the delivery location to give plants the best possible start as well as plant availability. Planting instructions are on the website for 24 hour access and also the link is included in your confirmation and shipping correspondence. 

Please remember that we, like other nurseries and garden centers, are agricultural based businesses and rely on the weather for growing and digging plants. All plants are not always available throughout the year. Spring weather can limit digging and cause delays with field grown plants. Even some of the largest wholesale growers in the US experience delays in plant growth which creates delays in nurseries and garden centers receiving their orders. We do apologize for any delays that may happen with your order. 

Questions about plants 

The Greenwood Staff will be happy to discuss and answer questions about the plants and products that you have purchased from us. As well as providing beautiful plants for landscape and wildlife projects and complimentary hard goods, we are a service business dedicated to educating our customers on these purchases. If you have questions or concerns about your Greenwood plants or products, please feel free to phone or email us. 

Our plant pictures are for reference (only) of what plants can often look like in a landscape setting. We sell plants that are small sizes for ease in planting and growing. You will receive plants that are up to 1 year old in age and growth based on the varieties ordered. They are not the size of plants in the images (which are used for reference only). If you are looking for older mature plants, please visit your local garden center, landscaper or plant sales yards.

Our bare root trees and shrubs will have a height range that they are sold by while container plants are sold by their container sizes. Some of our plants are grown by other nurseries. There are times when plants purchased from other growers are delivered in different container sizes. We update changes as quickly as possible and ship the closest size. We sell and ship by container sizes and do not guarantee a specific height above the container.

It is difficult to list the height sizes of the plants that are growing in containers. Heights of the plants change throughout the growing season. Especially, perennial plants. Many start out dormant in early spring, grow in mid to late spring, bloom in summer and go dormant the end of summer. Grasses begin new in February and March and depending on if they are warm or cool season grasses determines when they put on their best growth. As we are also a propagation nursery, we often have several crops of plants growing throughout the year. When later crops become rooted and ready for shipping, they are going to be brand new plants and will be smaller than plants that we were shipping a month or two before. 

We cannot be of service to explain or answer questions concerning plants or products purchased from other businesses. You should contact those businesses with your questions about your purchases from them.

Please click this link for pot size descriptions. Pot Descriptions

You can find your USDA Planting Zone by visiting Garden.org and entering your zip code in the box. If you have difficulty in determining your planting zone, email us with your zip code: info@greenwoodnursery.com 

NOTE: Please contact us if you experience any problems with your plants. We are here to help and will work with you any way that we can to get your plants on the road to success or replacement plants if necessary. Give us the opportunity to help!






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Greenwood's office hours
The Greenwood Team is available by phone and email to take orders and answer planting questions, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 4PM Central Time from March through November. Winter hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM to 3PM Central Time. Greenwood Nursery does close for the following holidays: Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, as well as closing for the week of July 4th and December 23rd through January 1st.  (Back to top.)
When will my order be processed
Orders coming in during spring and fall for that season’s shipping are generally charged the week before shipping. Early orders booked for fall shipping may be processed mid to late September for shipping in October. Early orders booked for March to early April shipping may be processed mid to late February. Otherwise, most orders are generally charged the week before shipping. Orders received using PayPal accounts may be charged before the 30 day time preauthorization expires. If not charged during that period, we will reach out to you after the 30 day preauthorization when your order is closer to shipping. 

Large quantity or wholesale orders will be processed as discussed by phone or email. If your card is declined, we often try again within 30 days to process. If you do not hear back from us concerning your order, please contact by phone or email on the status of your order. (Back to top.)

Product guarantee

The Greenwood Nursery Stress Free Guarantee. We are dedicated to working with our customers to help them achieve success with their Greenwood purchases. With proper care and attention, new plants will leaf out and grow during the first growing season and years beyond. At Greenwood Nursery we do our best to ship plant stock that is healthy, in planting condition at the best time for the delivery location.

Should any plant or package arrive damaged, notify us within 48 hours of delivery. A photo may be necessary to document the damage as well as file a report with the shipping carrier. The damaged plants will be replaced as quickly as possible. Pictures may be required.

Plants on Close-Out or Clearance - Limited Guarantee: Plants on Close-Out or Clearance are based on current in-stock inventory and will ship as quickly as possible (most within the following week). Plants are guaranteed to arrive healthy, dormant and ready for planting in the ground. Due to extreme discounts, we cannot guarantee the plants beyond that.

Dormant Plant Guarantee: In the event that a deciduous plant dies within 1 year after delivery, Greenwood’s Stress Free Guarantee provides for a one time replacement or store credit for the plant purchase. Shipping charges may apply when spring planted plants grow but do not survive winter. Does not apply to Close Outs or Clearances.

Fall shipped dormant plants will emerge by the following mid to late spring. Spring plants shipped dormant generally emerge within 8 weeks from planting.

Please contact us at that time if your plants are not leafing out within their expected time frame. Pictures may be required as they also help us to work with customer to determine any potential growing issues.

Evergreen Plant Guarantee: Greenwood’s Stress Free Guarantee on evergreen plant varieties are shipped healthy, growing and ready for planting. Once received and no further reports have been filed with us within 48 hours of carrier delivery, plants are considered accepted. Evergreen plants that do not survive within the first year planted may be replaced at half current regular pricing plus shipping.

NOTE: Please contact us if you experience any problems with your plants. We are here to help and will work with you any way that we can to get your plants on the road to success or replacement plants if necessary. Give us the opportunity to help!

Guarantee may be voided for the following reasons: plants damaged due to weather, animals, negligence, shipping outside of recommended planting zones, shipping outside of recommended shipping times, mechanical or other environmental issues. 

Hard good products are backed by the manufacturers warrants and guarantees as noted on the individual product labels. Please contact them direct for any problems or questions that may arise.(Back to top.)

Wholesale Orders - wholesale and landscapers discounted orders do not fall under any guarantee. Any damage must be reported within 48 hours upon receiving plants. After 48 hours beyond delivery time it is considered that the customer has possession and the plants have been accepted. Wholesale/landscape orders being picked up, possession is at pick up. No refunds or guarantees apply.

When a plant you have ordered is not available, we reserve the right to provide another of similar attributes and pricing that will produce the same garden effect. (Back to top.)

Ordering gift certificates online

You will find our gift certificates listed in a separate category in our gift ideas section off the right hand side of the home page. Click on the link and select the amount that you wish to purchase and add it to your Shopping Cart. Gift certificates are valid for 1 year from purchase date.
When you order a gift certificate here is what happens:
You begin by ordering the number of gift certificate and that you want. In the shopping cart you will fill out your name, address, etc. If you are purchasing the certificate to give personally check the box noting same address as for billing. If you are sending this gift to another person you must check the box that reads: a different address (or this is a gift) in the shopping cart. When you have filled out all information just follow the rest of the instructions. The recipient of your gift (you or someone else) will receive an email with a link to redeem the gift certificate. Once you click on the link your certificate may be redeemed. (Back to top.)

Cancelling or Changing an Order

Cancelling or changing your order is not an option available through the Web site. You can can send us an email letting us know the confirmation web order number or the order number you were assigned when we confirmed your order in email with assigned shipping week and what changes you would like make or you may call us at (800) 426-0958 Monday through Friday 8AM to 4PM Central Standard time. We will try to accommodate your changes if possible. Please be aware that as we get closer to shipping your order it may not be possible to make changes to your order. Please note: If you email one of the Greenwood Team with change information, please follow up if you do not receive a reply confirmation within 3 business days.

We do understand that sometimes orders must be canceled. Orders not yet charged may be canceled without incurring any fees.

Cancelation Fees: If an order has already been charged, we will cancel the order at your request. However, a 10% cancelation fee (with a minimum $5.00 charge) will be applied. Our credit card processor charges us 3% when we charge your card and another 3% when we refund your card as well as transaction fees. Orders canceled after being prepped or returned orders may also be subject to a 15% restocking fee. (Back to top.)

Returning an order for a Refund:

An order just received, may be immediately returned at the customers expense. Please notify us that you have just received your order and will be returning it. Shipping charges cannot be refunded as carriers have already been paid. Returned orders may be subject to restocking fees. Plants must be returned to us in the same condition in which they were shipped.

The Greenwood Stress Free Guarantee: replacements or store credit will be set up to replace dormant plants that do not leaf out during the growing season. Pictures of plants in their environment may be required.

Refunds will not be made after evergreen plants have been accepted and/or planted. Due to the perishable nature of our plant products, returns must be made within 7 days from receipt of merchandise. Evergreen plants are alive and healthy when shipped. Unless a problem is reported upon arrival, no refunds will be made.

Dormant plants that do not leaf out in the spring or within 8 weeks after they are planted, replacements or store credit will be issued. In some cases, pictures may be required to to help determine possible planting issues. Replacements will be set up to replace plants that do not leaf out during the growing season and for up to one year. Greenwood Nursery will not be liable for any plants or order beyond the purchased price. 

Shipping charges have already been paid to carriers and cannot be refunded. Please note: No collect or reverse charge shipments will be accepted. 

Once you have contacted us about returning your purchase, send it to:

Greenwood Nursery

Attn: Returns

636 Myers Cove Road

McMinnville, TN 37110


 (Back to top.)

When should I order

Orders may be placed at any time during the year. We will schedule them into the next available shipping week for your delivery area. Bare root plants begin shipping mid/late October and continue shipping until the latter part of June. Container plants and ground covers ship year round according to availability. As we sell out of plant varieties, we do begin booking them for shipping the following spring or fall season depending on specific plant variety.(Back to top.)
Payment information
We accept Master Card, Visa, Discover, American Express, money orders and personal checks as well as Paypal. Personal check orders require 14 days to clear before shipping. Sales tax is charged on orders shipping within the State of Tennessee. Any fees incurred by the customer on a purchase will be the customers responsibility (ie. card overdraft fees).

Greenwood Nursery will not be responsible for anything more than the purchase price of plants to customers. Plants are grown in fields, on container yards and in open greenhouses and may be exposed to many elements such as insects or chemicals. We do limit chemical use, but as a certified nursery, we are required to follow TN state agriculture guidelines. Any legal issues will be handled in McMinnville, TN.  (Back to top.)


Prices are set by variety and then by size. If you notice an abnormal price not consistent within our pricing structure, please let us know.

Disclaimer: While we do our best to publish correct customer prices, we are human and errors may occur. If a product is incorrectly priced, we will correct the price once it is downloaded and before the customer is charged. We will contact the customer to let them know about the price correction. If you notice a price listed within a product that is strange, please let us know so we can make the correction. We appreciate your help.

Pricing is subject to change at any time. Quantity discounts apply only to multiple purchases of a single variety.

Due to increasing energy costs, prices and delivery charges are subject to change.(Back to top.)
Visiting Greenwood Nursery
Greenwood Nursery continues to operate as a wholesale/mail order facility and does not have the atmosphere for customers to select their own plants. Our staff is happy to make arrangements for customers who will live in the middle TN area to pick up their orders. If you plan to be in our area and would like to pick up your order, please note it in the comment box when placing your order.  (Back to top.)

How will my order ship?

Orders may be shipped through UPS or USPS (post office). We will select the best method of shipping based on ordered items. Please include both your mailing and shipping addresses to avoid delays. 

The size of the plants we ship has been selected to reduce the shock of transplanting. Our bare root plants are dipped in a terra sorb solution (water retention gel), wrapped in shredded paper and, then, sealed in plastic wrap to ensure freshness. We must point out that some plants may not bloom the first year after planting but should the following year.

Our lilies and some ferns will ship as dormant bare bulbs or tubers packed in peat moss. Trees, shrubs, perennials, ground covers are shipped bare root or potted. On the individual plant page in the Shipping Details section, you will find how that particular variety of plant is sold (bare root or potted) and what size (bare root plants are noted in height range and potted are noted as pot size)

Orders containing both plants and hard goods will be held until order can ship as complete. Unless otherwise requested.(Back to top.)

When will my order ship?

Orders containing only hard goods generally ship right away as inventory allows. Those items ship year around and generally within one week. When ordering plants during fall or spring shipping, we will set your order for the next available shipping week appropriate for your location. April and May are our busiest months and sometimes shipping delays happen. Plants may arrive later than scheduled to us or the shipping department may get behind. This is not the normal, but does sometimes happen. Please bear with us if this happens. We do not typically charge your order until the week before we are able to ship.

Our bare root (field grown) trees and shrubs normally come into the facility for shipping November, December and January (as available for fall shipping) and February, March, April and May (as available for spring shipping).

An example of month by month shipping would be as follows as plants are available:

January - zones 9 - 10 

February - zones 8 - 10 

March - zones 7 - 10

April - zones 6 - 10

May - zones 5 - 9

June - zones 3 - 8

July - zones 3 - 7

August - zones 4 - 7

September - zones 5 - 8

October - zones 5 (some areas) - 9

November - zones 6 (some areas) - 10 

December - zones 8 - 10  (Back to top.)

Methods of shipping and cost
We ship orders through UPS and the U.S. Post Office (Priority Mail) and select the most effective way to transport your order to you in a timely manner. UPS shipping addresses must contain a physical street address, so please include both your mailing and physical addresses to avoid delays. 

Customers are emailed tracking information for their orders within 24 hours of order being shipped. Once picked up or delivered to carrier, it becomes property of the customer. Greenwood does not monitor packages once shipped. We have no indication if a package is delayed or arrives with exterior box damage. In most cases, damage to the outside of the box does not mean that plants would be damaged. Please contact Greenwood Nursery for any assistance.

Greenwood Nursery cannot be held responsible for delivery problems due to incorrect addresses. Please double check that you have typed in the correct name, full address and ZIP code information. We can only supply the information that we receive from the customer. When an incorrect delivery address is provided and an order returned because it cannot be delivered, a second shipping fee will be charged to reship the order.

Please note: It is up to Greenwood Nursery to issue a call tag for any package. Any packages shipped to Greenwood Nursery as freight collect will be billed back to the customer.

Merchandise Total Standard Ground Shipping 
(2-7 business days in transit)
$0 to $20.00 $9.95 
$20.01 to $50.00 $15.95
$50.01 to $75.00 $19.95
$75.01 to $100.00 $22.95
$100.01 to $150.00 $26.95
over $150.01 20% of total
Gift Certificates email or post office

We  no longer ship orders to Hawaii, APO/FPO addresses, Puerto Rico, or other addresses outside the continental United States.

Alaska orders: Most plant orders going to Alaska can be sent through Priority Mail. We will estimate shipping charges and additional charges may apply. It is very costly to ship Fedex and UPS to Alaska addresses so if it can't be shipped through Priority Mail, we do not ship. If you have questions concerning an order going to Alaska, please contact us. (info@greenwoodnursery.com). (Back to top.)

May I specify when I want my order to ship
Yes, please let us know if you have a specific time frame that you would like for your plants to ship out. We will work with that schedule according to plant inventories. (Back to top.)

May I delay the shipment of my order
After you place your order and are issued a scheduled shipping week, if your plans change and you need to reschedule or delay the shipment of your order, please contact our Customer Service Department by calling (800) 426-0958 or by emailing  customerservice@greenwoodnursery.com Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm Central time. Please include your order number, zip code and name. We will make every effort to accommodate your request, but if we have already packed and shipped your order, it may not be possible to delay it. (Back to top.)

Do you ship to Alaska, Hawaii, Canada or overseas
Greenwood Nursery only ships orders within the continental U.S. We no longer ship to Hawaii, Canada, overseas or APO/FPO addresses. Some plants can ship to Puerto Rico - those are shipped at customers risk. We cannot be responsible for any delays or quarantines.

Please inquire on shipping charges to Alaska - in most cases, we can ship plants to Alaska. (Back to top.)

Agricultural Regulations
Each state has its own restrictions on shipping plants into its borders and we must comply. Some plants may be considered invasive and maybe banned in certain states or just not allowed entrance, such as fruiting plants or ornamental fruiting plants in California. We will note these restrictions in the Shipping Details section of each plant page and keep it updated as much as possible. (Back to top.)

What if an item arrives damaged
We will ship plants that are healthy and ready for planting. Our packaging techniques provide the most efficient and safest delivery possible of your order from our location to yours. If your order arrives damaged, please contact us within 48 hours of receiving the shipment. Customer Service Department (800) 426-0958  or email customerservice@greenwoodnursery.com. Office staff is available Monday through Friday 8am-4pm Central time. Include your order number, zip code and name when contacting us. Save the damaged product and shipping carton as we may need to file a damage claim with the shipping carrier and they will require pictures of the damage. The carrier reserves the right to inspect the damaged product and carton for up to 7 days. We will immediately reschedule your replacements for the next available shipping week.

(Back to top.)

May I request that an item ship earlier for my planting zone
If an item is in stock and already shipping to another zone, we should be able to ship it to your zone as well, but this service would be at your own risk. (Back to top.)

How will I be able to track my order
As long as you have provided us with a valid e-mail address, and added us as a contact to your email provider, our shipping department will notify you with an email once your order has shipped with your Fedex or Priority Mail tracking number. Though you will have a tracking number, it may take 24 hours for any updated information on the status of the shipment to become available on the carriers website. (Back to top.)

Greenwood Nursery is not responsible for anything more than the replacement of plants purchased from us that do not survive within one year as per the guarantee.

Article and Plant Page Disclaimer