"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

10 Best Plants to Attract Bees, Butterflies & Hummingbirds - Plus You'll Love'm, Too!

Pollination gardens are created with bee friendly plants bees, and other insects, love. Our native bees and non-bee pollinators such as birds, bats, butterflies, ants, flies, moths and beetles are attracted by the brightly colored, contrasting flowers that open seasonally filled with nectar and pollen for food sources.

While bees are not typically attracted to solid red hued flowers, planting a variety of perennial plants flowering with yellow, blue, pink, orange, purple and red will attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds throughout the season.

Here are the 10 best plants to add to (or begin) your pollinator garden that will attract bees, butterflies & hummingbirds:

  1. Red Fox Veronica - summer to early fall light bright pink flowering
  2. Black-eyed Susan - mid-summer to fall flowering - yellow flowers with black centers
  3. Blue Stocking Monarda - known as bee balm - summer to late summer with bluish flowers
  4. Spicy Orange Thyme - fragrant blooms spring to summer (not native - but attracts bees & butterflies like crazy)
  5. Moonbeam Coreopsis - known as tickseed - light yellow flowers late spring to early fall
  6. Pineapple Sage - amazing red flowers summer to early fall - attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds (native to Central America - attracts all bees, butterflies & hummingbirds like a magnet)
  7. Hidcote Lavender - blooms mid summer and with a clipping after first bloom produces a second flush to early fall (not native but attracts wonderfully & so fragrant)
  8. Magus Purple Echinacea - known as coneflower - pink to purple flowers throughout summer
  9. Shasta Daisy Becky - white petal flowers with yellow centers bloom summer early fall with a clipping after first blooms
  10. Salvia May Night - spiky purple flowers early summer to late summer

Visit our Pollinator Garden Plants for more ideas.

Plus...check out this article:

7 Tips to Start a Pollinator Garden!
