"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Project Artciles

Planting Quick Growing Hedge Plants

Our a ffordable quick growing hedge plants are collections of plants commonly used as privacy hedges . Plants in this department will make beautiful hedge fencing . Choose from the following hedge plants. Click onto the varieties for plant descriptions: Variegated Weigela Old Fashioned Red Weigela Pink Tatarian Honeysuckle Fragrant Honeysuckle Golden Forsythia Mockorange Siberian Elm Rosa Rugosa Red Rosa Rugosa 'Alba' Rosa Hansen Hedge To plant a hedge , space plants 5 feet apart. As you are pulling the soil...

How to Limit Outside Noises in Your Landscape

While there are so many ways that you can limit outside noises in your landscape, here are our favorite easy to accomplish ways to create quiet. Berms - Raising the level of the ground even if only slightly for perimeter landscapes or heavily to create hill like structures is a great way to drown out traffic and noisy neighbors. Wood or stone fences - To be of help in reducing noise, fences need to be 6+ feet high. If you can see over the fence, the noise will not be blocked. Wood fencing should be solid without breaks like solid stockade type. Water Features - Whether there is space for a...

Starting a Compost in Your Garden

Are you ready to start a compost program ? Anyone who has a garden should be composting. It is very easy to do and the benefits are numerous when it comes to enhancing the soil and producing quality fruits, flowers and vegetables. Compost bins in the garden. By definition, compost is the humus like material that results from the decomposition of organic matter. When we grow and remove healthy crops in our gardens, we also remove many of the nutrients in the soil. For sustainable agriculture to thrive, even in a small backyard garden, we must replace what we have taken out of the soil. Good...

Starting a Backyard Garden with Raised Beds and Pots

You can start a backyard garden with raised beds or pots. Home gardening is the number one hobby in the United States. Is there anything more satisfying than walking out your back door, picking a juicy red tomato and enjoying that sweet fresh flavor? It is a rare treat and for most of the country it is only something we get to experience in July, August and September, but it sure is worth it. When you go to the grocery store in the dead of winter and the tomato package says, “Vine Ripened and Tastes like Summer”, don’t you believe it! There is nothing quite like producing your own fresh food...

Crow Village in Montevallo, Alabama Hopes to Grow Its Own Community Garden

A quick scan of “housing authority community garden success” returns dozens of articles about devoted individuals who have grown community as well as food to sustain citizens in towns and cities nationwide. Many of these gardens first took root over twenty years ago, some are only in their second season, and others are in the concept stage. Crucial to the success of each of these gardens, though, is the feeling of investment and ownership the residents’ feel and rightly claim in regards to their tiny farm plots, the big work they do to cultivate them, and the fruits, vegetables, and...

"Natural" decorations make Holidays special

With Thanksgiving behind us for another year, and the last of the cold turkey sandwiches just a fading memory, it's time to start thinking in earnest about the Holiday season that is now almost upon us. And the Holiday Season is a great time to bring some of your landscape in from the outdoors to brighten your indoors. Of course, the first thing we usually think of is a Christmas tree. Rather than buying a cut tree this year, consider buying a "live" tree that you can plant outside after the Holidays. Here are a couple of tips if you're going the live...

Planting trees with kids and using compost

The idea of planting a tree with a child is a special one. Greeks long have planted trees, usually olives, at the birth of their children, but what a special event it would be to plant a tree together, once the kiddo's old enough to realize the significance of the occasion. One of my friends (then a newly wed) in Georgia planted a grove of Black Walnut trees for his yet-to-be-born great-grandchildren. He figured that by the time they were full grown, the trees would pay for his descendants' college tuitions or businesses. I've heard of this practice in Europe, too. Another friend (yes, I have...

How to Build a Garden Bed without Digging

For the avid gardener, the idea of creating a new garden bed is an exciting one. Thoughts about a new place to add more irises to the collection, or a spot to place the daylily hybrid excess comes to mind (among many other reasons to make a new garden bed!) and excitement begins. And, as the gardener marks out the new bed with stakes, string, spray paint, or an old hose, and as the gardener pushes their spade into the soil, the excitement simply builds. And then as the gardener becomes a sweaty dirty mess the excitement in the air becomes so thick, a passerby could slice it with a pruning...

How to Create a Beautiful Mini Fairy Garden

Fairy gardens are popular because they’re fun to create and easy to maintain for people of all ages and gardening skill levels. Once completed they take on a magical personality, lending them to becoming places where people sit and let their imaginations run wild. Mini fairy gardens can be made in small spaces too, so they’re perfect for anyone to create their own tiny garden with any amount of space.You can make or find all of your own materials, purchase them ready to use, or have a combination of both. Fairy gardens can be made with children, with the elderly, and anyone with mobility...

5 Wonderfully Different Fall Decorating Ideas from the Garden

Autumn is a favorite season for many, and truly, it’s a wonderful time of year. Traditionally, fall is a time of harvest and preparation for winter, which for many of us means a literal shutdown of garden activities. Festive fall décor typically centers on the harvest, and collecting these items is a simple matter this time of season. Pumpkins, bundles of corn stalks, grass seed heads, leaves, pinecones, pine boughs, asters and mums- all of these things can be made into beautiful arrangements and more! Make a big impact with a beautiful array of decoration ideas that anyone can do easily,...

Landscaping for Perfect Wedding Photo Shoots

The perfect surroundings make for a memorable wedding , and the memories that the photos you take will last for years to come. Landscaping for the perfect wedding photo shoot will pay dividends later when you look back on your very special day. Creating the perfect landscaping environment for stunning photos takes some planning, but with the right advice, you can make the wedding of your dreams appear just as magical and surreal in your photos as your imagination dictates. Here are some ideas to get your landscaping ideas moving for your perfect wedding and to enhance your beautiful wedding...

Attracting Fairies to Your Garden

A lot has been written about how to create a garden that looks as though fairies live in it. There are gorgeously illustrated and photographed books on the subject. However, actually attracting real fairies to a garden is a slightly different proposition. Fairies are a part of the natural world, which means they are what humans would call “wild”. Therefore, any garden that fairies could be attracted to would need to be a little bit wild as well. Take a good look at your landscape. A place that is far enough from “civilization” but close enough for you to get to easily would...

How to Add A Meditation Garden Area

One time honored form of meditation is walking a labyrinth. Labyrinths are frequently referred to as mazes, but that is not quite correct. A maze generally has several paths to choose from, but a labyrinth only has one meandering path to the center. Labyrinths have been around for thousands of years. Probably the best-known labyrinth is the legendary one of King Minos, built by Daedalus to hold the Minotaur. There are several theories about the meaning and purpose of labyrinths. Daedalus’ labyrinth was designed to hold a monster, but other labyrinths have been designed to lead to...

The Medicine Wheel Garden

The Medicine Wheel originated with various indigenous peoples of North America. It was used – and is still used – as part of a religious ceremony in which the various parts of the wheel stand for spiritual concepts, life paths, behaviors, etc. The name comes from the most famous wheel, which sits atop Medicine Mountain, part of the Bighorn range in Wyoming. Constructed anywhere from 300-800 years ago, Medicine Wheel looks very like a bicycle wheel from the air. There is a central hub of rocks fashioned into a cairn with 28 “spokes” radiating out from it. Six more cairns are placed at...