"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Plants Articles

Growing Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas grow and bloom the best in morning sun with afternoon shade. Don't expect them to do well in heavy shade. The Pee Gee variety is hardy enough to grow in full sun. They prefer plenty of moisture and should be monitored for additional watering over the first and second year after planting and especially during droughts. Hydrangeas enjoy a regular fertilizing schedule. A good slow (timed) release applied 1-2 times a year will keep them happy. In zones 6-8, fertilize in May and July. For zones 5 and further north, one good fertilizing in June will work due to the shorter growing season...

Top 10 Most Fragrant Garden Plants

Lemon Thyme Miss Molly Buddleia Miss Ruby Buddleia Double Red Knockout Roses Philadelphus Innocence - Mock Orange Sweetbay Magnolia Lady Lavender Yucca Color Guard Majorca Pink Rosemary Walkers Low Catmint

Tips for growing Wisteria

These tips for growing wisteria will help you keep your wisteria vines looking great. Wisteria are vigorous, twining vines with wide landscape usage where space permits and gardeners are committed to keeping them in bounds. Among their attributes are hardiness, vigor, longevity and the ability to climb high. They are greatly valued for their large, pendulous flower clusters that occur in the spring. Flowers are pea-like and may be white, pink, lilac-blue, bluish-purple or purple in color. The fruit is a long, green flattened pod that is not particularly ornamental. The plant climbs by means...

Planting and Growing The Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae

The Thuja Green Giant are touted as one of the fastest growing evergreen trees on the commercial market. Will they really live up to this adoration? Here at Greenwood Nursery , we have grown and sold the Cedar Green Giant Trees for over 15 years. The plants are hybrids so they are propagated by cuttings as they will not come back true from seed. Some years we field transplanted some of the cuttings to grow on for larger projects. When field transplanting, we typically used Green Giant liners that were 6 to 8 inches tall. At the end of the first growing season, the field plants varied from 10...

Plants for Grave Sites

Plants for grave sites is a common question that I receive. While it's probably a rural thing, I grew up helping my mom and dad maintain the graves of passed family members, recent and old. Over the years, I have seen what works and doesn't work for planting at the grave site. Before planting anything, do take the time to check with the cemetery board or maintenance staff. They may have some guidelines about what can or cannot be planted. It is doubtful that they would want trees planted anywhere so the only tree selections here are for small growing varieties that...

Select Ground Cover Plants That Flatten The Landscape

The process of fattening out a landscape with ground cover plants is not difficult if the proper procedures are used. For this project, various things will be needed, such as different kinds of plants depending on the season. The Benefits Of Flattening An Area With Ground Cover Plants When an area is sloped, water runoff and soil erosion will be an issue. In addition, the moisture retention will be uneven. A sloped landscape is also tough to mow. The bottom of the slope is usually where water will travel and stop. Because of this, plants will have...

Butterfly Gardens Create Habitats, Protect, and Help to Preserve Flora and Fauna

Butterfly Gardens are grown to provide protected habitats, protect gardens, and work to preserve our plant heritage. Several times a week, I am asked what one thing I might suggest another person do to help the environment , conserve gardens, and/or improve the general landscape of our community. Time and again, my suggestion is that the singular best and simplest way to make a positive impact on the environment is to cultivate a butterfly garden. More often than not, though, that suggestion is met with this response: “I don’t have the foggiest idea how to start butterfly gardening -- you’ll...

How to Incorporate Vegetable and Fruit Plants into Your Landscape

This article will give you ideas on how to incorporate vegetable and fruit plants into your landscape . Does the idea of freshly picked fruit or home garden herbs send tingles up your spine? Do the words ' cottage garden ' make you smile with stars in your eyes? Peek out of your front and back windows. Do the images in front of you look nothing like the ones you just conjured up? No worries! If you’re a gardener “at heart” you’d be surprised at how easy and fulfilling creating your own edible garden is. Imagine fresh, homegrown fruits, vegetables, flowers, and herbs. Soon your neighbors will...

Maintaining Flowering Shrubs to Avoid Excessive Growth

You delight in your thriving garden or yard because you spend a lot of time gently nurturing and providing the TLC it needs to be beautiful. Once plants, trees, and flowering shrubs have taken root and established themselves, the rest is about enjoying your garden and maintaining it to keep its attractive appearance in order and avoid excessive growth. Caring for Large Flowering Shrubs Use hand-held pruners on larger perennials such as Buddleia, better known as the Butterfly Bush. Cut off the old blooms to keep them flowering beautifully throughout the summer. In the winter or early spring,...

Tips for Growing Rose of Sharon in Your Garden

Growing a Rose of Sharon hedge in Your Garden is an excellent way of creating a private garden area during the summer season. Changing the appearance of your garden can be easily done. Regardless of the size of your garden, you don’t have to spend more time, money, and effort in improving its appearance. With your knowledge about Rose of Sharon shrubs , your problem can be easily solved. Like other homeowners, you shouldn’t miss to ignore the benefits of Rose of Sharon bushes . These are the common names of the different species of flowering plants, hardy hibiscus , hibiscus...

OSO Easy Shrub Roses Make Elegant, Chemical-Free Garden Safe Zones

Today’s more earth friendly and natural landscapes pique interest in organic barriers and boundaries for homes and gardens. Shrubs, including chinese privet, are popular choices for creating nonintrusive privacy zones, but finding a shrub that presents both colorfully and elegantly can be a problem. To this end, garden enthusiasts have turned to roses for hundreds of years, but black spot and mildew often becomes a deterrent to grow long stands of eye-catching beauties. OSO Easy Rose Shrubs , though, stand to revolutionize both home and commercial area gardens as they are extremely...

Swamp Milkweed and Wild Ginger Bring Monarchs and Pipeline Swallowtails to Your Butterfly Garden

One of the truly wonderful aspects of butterfly gardening is that the most effective plants for such are perennials and natives. Key to attracting and providing for the most butterflies possible is to provide attractive plants that actually play roles in providing for local or migrating butterfly populations. Choosing native plants that thrive in the specific type of soil and moisture level your garden offers can be tricky, but two plants that are hosts for two specific butterflies are probably excellent choices for some portion of your butterfly garden: swamp milkweed and wild ginger...

Ground Cover Basics for Erosion Control, Beautification, and Elegant Focal Points

A lot of attention is paid to beds, borders, foundations, and focal points when it comes to home and commercial gardening, but just about any landscape might benefit from well-placed ground cover plants. A wide variety of ground cover plants are available, but a few choices deliver vivid greens, alluring colors, and hard-to-match benefits to gardens with special needs. Among the ground covers that benefit just about every garden are: Sedums Vincas Ajuga Pachysandra Virginia Creeper Purple Wintercreeper Thymes The most easily recognized...

Ground Covers Turn Your No-Grow Zones to Colorful Delights

Most yards exhibit some problem areas before serious gardening begins. In some cases, lawn problems will persist even after years of gardening know how has been applied. What the most successful gardeners understand is that pinpoint lawn problems early allows for quick application of long-term solutions. Common lawn problems for home gardens are: bare spots dry zones eroded areas Remedying any of these problems in your own future or current garden requires only the simplest eye for detail. Stepping back to consider these no-grow zones, assess the...

Your Drought-Tolerant Garden May Be a Rainbow of Hope with Drought Resistant Plants

Dry to drought conditions shouldn’t keep you from having gardens bursting with color and bustling with pollinators. In fact, southern gardens have long dealt with wet springs and dry summers. Many native plants in areas where such conditions are prevalent have adapted to thrive regardless. If you hope to grow your own colorful garden in sunny, dry areas, choose drought-tolerant plants and place them to make the most of water accessibility and proper drainage. Drought-tolerant gardens may present a rainbow of color when the proper plants are chosen, and this stands to...

Choosing The Best Garden Plants To Eat

Which are The Best Garden Plants To Eat? Creating a garden is a reflection of your unique style and personality. If you enjoy preparing foods with fresh ingredients, you might want to think about incorporating affordable garden plants to eat into your landscape. Planning a garden that includes edible plants can add interest and provide pleasure to your senses, and they can help you make delicious summer recipes to share with family and friends. Sugar Mountain Kalinka Haskap For a different garden plant treat, establish the Sugar Mountain Kalinka Haskap and the...

10 Easiest to Grow Flowering Shrubs for Hedges and Foundations

With winter damage creating the need for homeowners to replace hedges and foundation plants , homeowners will be searching for the 10 easiest to grow flowering shrubs . Looking for flowering shrubs to plant and with little attention just seem to grow? Then you will like the following list of the 10 easiest to grow flowering shrubs and bushes . Red Barberry Clethra California Privet Oakleaf Hydrangea Red Twig Dogwood Golden Forsythia Rose of Sharon Rosa Rugosa Red Variegated Weigela Viburnum Japanese Snowball Planted properly these flowering shrubs will easily establish and grow. Most are even...

Plant Flowering Shrubs During the Right Season

Plant Flowering Shrubs During The Right Season Greenwood Nursery has affordable garden plants that people will love to put in their yards. These affordable garden plants come in a wide variety of sizes and bloom colors that will surely please the customers. It is easy to visit the website and sign up for updates about the most affordable garden plants. The website address is http://www.greenwoodnursery.com , and people can fill in a form that will allow them to receive the updates on a regular basis. An Online Nursery For Plants As an online plant nursery , customers find a lot of great...

The Biggest Problem with Flowering Shrubs and How You Can Fix It

Most people use flowering shrubs to enhance the appearance of their homes and along property lines and fences, but sometimes these shrubs will grow so exuberantly that they overgrow their allotted spot in your garden and must be cut back. Indeed, one of the biggest problems with these shrubs is knowing when and how to prune them. You don't want to just start chopping at the plant; instead you want to be well informed about where and how to make your cuts in order not to discourage new growth and the blooming cycle. An article in the Colorado Master Gardener Notes presents excellent...

Growing Strawberry Plants

Strawberry is a bright red, soft, juicy fruit, conical in shape and grows on a low plant but unlike other fruits, it has seeds on its exterior. The two basic varieties of strawberries are summer producing and ever-producing strawberries. Of the two, the latter variety is more popular because it produces the fruit almost throughout the year and keeps on growing for many years together though the size of the fruit produced is smaller than the summer-bearing variety. Growing strawberries on your own: Keeping following...

Planting Small Fruiting Plants within the Landscape an Age Old Idea

What do Europeans know that we, Americans, don't? Well, they've been planting fruiting plants right alongside shrubs and perennials for centuries. It's time we followed suit and did the same. The average American home should be able to incorporate 3 to 6 blackberry or raspberry plants . Taller growing blueberry shrubs make a good choice as a hedge. Strawberry plants can be planted in unused open areas and make a great substitute for growing grass . Cheryl Jones, owner of Greenwood Nursery , notes, "I've been promoting the European concept of planting small fruiting plants within the...

Plant Problem Solved!!!

Last month, as the weather began to warm in the deep south, we started into spring shipping mode here at the nursery. Our shipping department takes great pains to make sure that each order is properly packed when it leaves the nursery ready for its journey to its new home. Problems are few and far between...but once in a while a problem occurs, as it did with Susan's order. She immediately sent me an email that was in my inbox first thing the following morning. One of The Greenwood Team phoned Susan right away and a Dynamite Crape Myrtle was shipped right out. We received a lovely thank you...

Crimson Red Rhubarb Container Grown Plants Ready for Shipping

Crimson Red Rhubarb is considered to have the best rhubarb flavor with its blending of sweet and tart . The plump stalks are tall and string free...and the Crimson Red is winter hardy! While it is winter hardy into areas of zone 3, it will grow in colder parts of zone 3 as well as into zone 2 with winter protection.

Dianthus Fire Star Sets Gardens Ablaze

Dianthus Fire Star is a beautiful small perennial that creates a mounded carpet of brillantly red blooms. This little beauty is right at home in containers or edging sunny pathways. The Fire Star Dianthus is perfect for small yards.

Phenomenal Lavender is Cold Hardy into Zone 4

Finally...for our northern customers, a lavender plant that will grow in your garden. The Phenomenal Lavender is cold hardy as far north as zone 4 and doesn't experience winter die back like the Munstead and Hidcote do. Phenomenal Lavender is now booking.
